
GT 2020 Sneak Peak

Are you ready for the new GT 2020? 


120 Comments. Leave new

  • Catalin Nita
    23/01/2020 13:40


  • […] E-TWOW GT 2020, adăugarea de frâne mai bune o va face să devină modelul perfect pentru mersul prin oraș; […]

  • Jonas davies
    02/02/2020 14:20

    This scooter could be great if it has better brakes than your last one – on a device this powerful they were far too weak to be considered safe. Get good brakes and I’ll buy one

  • Andrew G.
    11/02/2020 18:16

    It’s great that they added additional breaking. Now if they would only add inflated pneumatic tires it would be an instant buy for me. The tires make a big difference in comfort and safety when riding in snow or wet conditions.

    • Pneumatic tires are not in plan for us at the moment. Most of our customers prefer airless tires as they can carry more weight, they don’t go flat and they deliver a better range.

      • Nick Diakos
        03/04/2020 12:49

        I’d also love pneumatic tires, do you think it would be possible to add 3rd party ones?

        • Hi Nick! Pneumatic tires are not in our plans at the moment. Most people prefer airless to avoid flat tires. Airless tires also deliver a better range.

  • Derek Donnelly
    24/02/2020 15:43

    When will it be available to buy in the UK? Colours? Guide price?

    • It will be available in the UK by the end of March. It comes in white, gray and black

    • Derek Donnelly
      25/02/2020 14:42

      Thanks for clarifying… Do you know what the max payload weight will be? I’m hoping it can handle 16 stone / 225 lbs!

      • Yes, it can handle up to 125 kg

        • Derek Donnelly
          18/03/2020 13:02

          Great thanks for the information! I’ve pre-ordered now here in the UK. Will have to wait until end of April though…

  • Derek Donnelly
    25/02/2020 14:43

    Thanks for clarifying… Do you know what the max payload weight will be? I’m hoping it can handle 16 stone / 225 lbs…

  • Would love to see this come to Canada. Any plans for distribution?

  • Anthony M
    02/03/2020 03:52

    Great news on much needed upgrades. Was wondering if the current battery specs have also changed(currently 48 V; 10,5 Ah). On your European website http://www.etwow.es you guys have a 48V;15AH version as well as a dual motor 500W version on the GT. Will these models also be available in the U.S and if so when will they begin shipping?

    • GT2020 will feature a 10,2 AH, 48 V battery. At the moment we don’t plan on marketing the Spain models in the USA

  • Are you able to tell us the UK list price for the 2020? I was just about to buy the GT until I found this page, will happily wait until the end of March to buy the 2020 model so long as the price is similar. Cheers

  • Hey!
    I see some Aliexpress seller sells E-twow S3 GT. Is this the same model as shown? S3 isnt shown under the products category. Thanks in advance!

    • Not necessarily. It can also be the 2019 GT. Please check the specifications and be very careful when buying from aliexpress.com and other similar platforms, as you run the risk of buying fake products and in most cases, you don’t benefit from warranty and support.

  • I just bought a E-twow GT with a kickstand but no drum brake. Is the kickstand a genuine addition or an aftermarket modification?
    Its a good escooter, I’ve been enjoying it.

  • What will be the total weight?

  • Does the brake make it impossible to dolly around via the back wheel? If so, the addition of a handle on the back would be a great help so it can be rolled along by the front wheel.

    • Hi Aaron. Don’t worry, you can still roll the scooter on the back wheel.

  • When will it be available to buy it in Hungary? Thanks

  • William Knox
    09/03/2020 20:40

    I really would like to get a drum break on my existing GT. Does pulling on the physical lever engage the E brake too?
    I really hope that you guys plan on selling a mod kit for the 2019 GT, please don’t make me buy a 3rd party mod, please sell more scooter mods through your site, take my money!!!
    If you were to sell a mod, would it require a new rear fork, or can I just install the wheel and break on an existing GT model? I’m assuming I would require some wiring too…

    • Thank you for your feedback. We will consider a kit for older models. Where are you from?

      • I’m also wondering if a kit will be available. We’d pay good money for this. The country is USA.

      • I would also be VERY interested in a drum break add on for the 2019 model I’m in NYC USA

        • Hi. We plan on offering a drum brake kit for older models, but we don’t have an official release date yet. Stay tuned for more details 😉

          • DJ Kmiotek
            23/03/2020 07:28

            I’d love a drum brake kit for my 2019 Booster GT. I’m in the USA,…

          • Hello. We have plans to release a drum brake kit in the near future. Stay tuned for more details

    • william knox
      07/04/2020 10:04

      I’m from USA, NYC.

      I ended up buying the 2019 drum brake kit from France E-Twow site, using a 3rd party parcel service. I’m not too pleased to pay $200 USD but my scooter should be safer now.

      I really wish the US distributor would update their product line, specifically modifications and accessories. I’m kind of upset that the 2019 GT scooter was in Europe all 2019 summer, then we got it in winter at the end of the year, just as you guys start releasing new models, I bought my 2019 GT at a premium, $1300, and 4 months later the 2020 drops, and now I hear that there’s a 15AH model in spain…

      Is my 2019 GT computer/dashboard able to accept the data cable from the 2020 GT brake lever so that it can signal the e-brake simultaneously?

      • Hi William. As demand is increasing in the US, newer models will be available sooner. Unfortunately, the 2019 GT won’t accept the data from the 2020 GT brake lever. You would have to change several other parts as well including the controller, otherwise the GT brake lever will only activate the basic drum brake.

  • Do you have an idea for a launch date in USA? We literally JUST ordered the 2019 GT without the disk break or kick stand today and the I saw this 🙁

  • As soon as this is out in the UK, I’m buying it. I hope i won’t have to wait too long!

  • Any plans to implement an alarm? Would be helpful to have a gyroscope in the scooter, and an alarm go off when it is moved. Could have it connect to your phone via Bluetooth.

    • Alarms haven’t been required by customers so far. One of the main reasons why we try to maintain the scooters lightweight is so that people can easily store them inside without worrying about them being stolen.

  • When will it be available in the U.S and if it’s already in the U.S. where can I find it?

  • Is it available in the U.S.? seems like eWheels are selling them but it does not come with the manual brake where can I find this version?

  • Any plans on bringing it to the UAE or Oman?

  • David Dickinson
    23/03/2020 19:55

    I’m very excited about the 2020 etwow Booster GT with rear drum break and kickstand! You are listening to your customers and I congratulate you for it. When we this scooter be available in the United States? I am ready to order one right now, but I would rather wait until I can get the rear drum break. Thank you for all the work you are doing. And I hope all is will with the current health concerns in the world. David

    • Hi David! Thank you for your support. The GT2020 will be available in the USA very soon. Please contact our dealers https://uscooters.com/ for more details regarding the release date.

    • David Dickinson
      24/03/2020 23:13

      I am happy to say that I purchased a 2020 Booster GT from uscooters. today. I feel very good about their technology that takes order. I got almost instant response through Arrive app on Iphone that my order had been accepted. Also, Scott, who works at their office answering emails, was very prompt. He answered my first inquiry within a couple of minutes and continued to answer all of my questions right way. I also wanted to let you know that Ben Fox, a video Vlogger from the UK, made a big impression on me when I was doing research on Youtube. He really puts in a good word for Etwow. I will update this post once my scooter arrives and I have had a change to take it for a spin or two. Seattle Washington is very hilly, so I will let you know my experience in this challenging environment for torque and braking. David

      • David Dickinson
        03/04/2020 19:12

        How pleased I was when my Booster GT was dropped off the other day by a nice man from Fed Ex. I am so please with what I now have to look forward to.

        The breaks are better than I could have imagined. The rear drum break is as good as any cycle brake that I have ever used. The function is very smooth and powerful. The regenerative brakes are powerful and do add to battery life.
        The kickstand is wonderful; very well designed.
        I live in probably one of the more hilly places that someone would find to try to ride an electric scooter. Seattle and San Francisco share that trait. I have found a couple of hills that are a challenge for the 700 W motor, but if I kick a few times I can get up the hill in the L5 setting. On flat areas, the scooter performs better than I could have ever hoped for.
        The build quality is spot on in every way. One thing that I did notice – now that a brake lever is attached to the left handlebar, the folding mechanism doesn’t quite stay folded due to the brake cable. I will be trying to figure out how to keep that folded when I am wanting the scooter super compact.
        Uscooters is a very good online dealer. The technology they use to send order confirmation, the speedy way that tracking information shows up through text messages and on the Arrive app, as well as the speed at which they respond to emails, is some of the best help that I have ever received from an independent online dealer.
        Thank you for a wonderful new addition to my travels,

        David in Seattle

        • Sally Martin
          20/10/2020 16:04

          Hi David. I just got GT 2020 and live in Seattle. Questions: would it not climb our hills in L4 setting? Does it have cruise control? Is the rear cable brake designed to flip over the handlebar and press on the thumb accelerator making it more like a motorcycle accelerator? The manual supplied is not for the 2020 so it says no L5, no cruise control and nothing about the flippy rear brake handle on the handlebar. Thanks

          • My gt2020p doesn’t have a L5 mode and no cruise control 🙁
            L4 is 39 km/h max

          • Hi Thomas! L5 limit no longer exists, except for older models. 40 km is the top speed on the GT scooters.

  • Well done on adding rear break Etwow have done a great job after lots of research I’m going to order 2020 GT when available in uk

  • When is it available in Austria and how much will it cost?

    • Hi Stefan! It will be available next week in Austria. For more info, please get in touch with our local dealers. You can find their info on the Find a Dealer Page

  • I have had the 2020 etwow gt for a few weeks now and can say that this is an excellent electric scooter. Excellent power, battery life, and brakes. All round this is a superb package. Well done.

    • Hi Andrej! Thank you for your feedback. It’s always great to know our customers are happy with their new rides 😀

  • I have the 2019 model and agree the addition of a drum break addresses it’s biggest issue; will probably get a 2020 model when they’re available in UK. Now to make it perfect you just need to add cruise control; does it have it – if not any plan to add?

  • When will that s product be available in the United States?

  • This is a very positive move. I have a couple additional suggestions for your next iteration:

    1) Adjustable handlebars – allow users to select width of the handles.

    2) Increased regenerative braking – if technically possible, I’d suggest increasing the regenerative capability even further, especially when fully engaged.



    • Hi Aviv. Thank you for your feedback. We already have the best regenerative braking system, but we keep working to further improve it 😉

  • Hi! I am thinking of purchasing this scooter. Two quick questions – when will the 15ah model be available in the US and are there any plans in a future version to incorporate the brake cable into the stem? (Great that you added the drum brake but that cable going down the length of the scooter doesn’t look as clean as the 2019 version). Thanks in advance

    • Hi Gian! Thanks for your feedback. We will consider hiding the cable at future models. As for the 15 Ah model, that is a customization done locally in certain countries, it is not an official E-TWOW product.

  • there’s a lot of excitement around the new 2020gt. Im concerned about the weight as the booster v was 11.3kg and this one is 13kg. (I’m weak and have a 3 flr walkup and an extra 2 kg makes a difference!). I live in Milan so there are parts of the road where there are pavers/cobble, even though there are no hills here. I dunt care about going too fast but I like the new safer breaks. I would be commuting about 8 kg a day. have a recommendation between the models given my needs? Thanks!!

    • Hi Olivia. If you don’t care about speed and your usual route doesn’t have any hills, Booster V would be the best choice for you. It’s lightweight, its safe and it will handle the cobble road.

  • Paul Balston
    22/04/2020 21:10

    I see from some of the comments that the GT2020 should be available in the UK right now but I don’t believe it is yet. Probably due to Covid-19. When will it actually be available please and where from in the UK would I be able to buy it please?

  • Simon H.
    03/05/2020 11:09

    I use the cruise-control on my Booster V all the time.

    I’m thinking of upgrading, but does GT 2020 (re)implement the cruise-control feature?

    • Hello. GT 2020 doesn’t have the cruise control feature. Nonetheless, the acceleration is quite intuitive and once you get used to it, it is quite easy to maintain a relatively constant speed.

      • Sure, if it cause some accidents with high speed it is understandable that it couldn’t stay as it was.
        Nevertheless, it would be nice to have this function available for not high speed, for example up to 17km/h.

  • Is this true? I just saw a video on YouTube where someone showed that the GT 2020 does have cruise control, you just need to activate it.

  • Hello, hope you guys are safe and well. I plan to order a gt2020 in Germany. just wondering if
    1. If the tires can handle Wet roads and icy roads as it rains here all the time
    2. Can I lock the speed to 25kmph to abide by regulations?

    Also, is etwow.net your legit dealer? As there aRe some crazy offers there?

    Thanks, ash

    • Hello. The scooter is not recommended for wet and icy terrain. Moreover, it is not enough to limit the speed for a scooter to be legal in Germany. It needs to be certified for the German market. We have a scooter specifically created for Germany. You can find more information here https://e-twow.com/de/

  • Emilian Radu
    06/05/2020 17:53

    looking fwd to get the new one 😉 one year with my booster plus s2 indigo with about 4000km 😀 and it still rocks

    And finally you bring the model I was telling you about at every visit on the shop 🙂

    • Hi Emilian. We’re happy to hear your old scooters still rocks!! You will love the new GT! Thanks for your feedback 😀

  • Hi.Great product..gt2020.just got a day earlier and 8 am happy with it.
    I just have one query.i cannot go to P2 or P3 settings.also when I am in P1 setting the light switch does not changes the menu. If press the horn while in P1setting mode it shows 1,2,3,4,5…till 9..
    Somehow my rear light doesn’t stop blinking…how can I switch it off? Thanks

    • We’re glad to hear you like it. GT models don’t have P2 and P3 settings. The numbers in the P1 setting are service reset codes (not for customer use). The rear light is blinking because you accidentally activated a service setting. We’ve sent you an e-mail with the instructions for resetting the rear light.

  • Hi. Just got my new GT 2020. Fantastic product. I miss the cruise control functionality though. Any plan to bring it back shortly? Software update?

    • Hello Laurent. It’s great to hear you’re happy with your new scooter. We don’t plan on bring the Cruise Control function back as it was cause for some accidents when users maintained a high speed.

  • Alessandra
    20/06/2020 13:56

    Ciao, ho appena comprato un gt 2020 ma l’etichetta sul montante anteriore riporta la scritta “RoHS S2 BOOSTER GT”. È corretto? E poi non riesco ad impostare la dunzio e P2. È visibile solo la p1. Devo effettuare il reso?

    • Ciao. L’etichetta è corretta Per motivi di sicurezza, le funzioni P2 e P3 non sono disponibili per i modelli GT

  • Hi there, just got my GT from Selfridges in London. I’m disappointed to discover that it seems to be restricted as the L5 mode is missing. Is there anything I can do to overcome this for off-road use? If not, I presume the resale value of my scooter will be much less. Thanks

    • Hello. The scooter’s speed is limited according to the legal requirements of each country

  • Hi! I recently received my new GT 2020 (from UScooters.com) in the U.S.

    Question: Is squeezing (activating) the drum brake lever supposed to activate the tail light? Activating the regenerative brake does engage the tail light, but activating the drum brake doesn’t appear to do so. An e-Wheels rep on YouTube says it’s supposed to. Is that right?

    Question 2:

  • Hi, I have just taken delivery of my ETWOW GT 2020 in the UK and I am not given the option for L5 (removal of speed limit) I use the scooter on private ground at my dads farm so it’s annoying that I have paid for a scooter advertised at 25mph but will only do 15mph! Is there a way to unlock this or should I return this scooter?

  • Darth Vader
    18/07/2020 10:48

    Hi, i bought the GT2020 and there is no “GT” mark on the deck, but only “etwow” mark. Is it ok? And how can i check the originality of the product by serial number?
    Also i can’t switch on the zero mode following the instructions.. there is only speed limits and no more options.

  • I have recently bought E-TWOW Booster GT 2020. It had no speed limit (L5 option for Russia). But some time later, L5 option unexpectedly disappeared from the menu. Please help me, I want to enable the L5 option back.

  • Jefferson Torres
    22/11/2020 06:48

    I do I activate my rear brake lights ? The light does not turn on with either brakes. Thank you.

    • Hello. Press the On/Off light button when necessary. The display will show a symbol that indicates that the lights are on (both the LED headlight and the rear stop light). Press
      again when you no longer need the lights to turn them off. If the lights are off, the rear stop light will only turn on when braking.

    30/12/2020 03:52

    I just purchased 2 of the GT 2020 scooters and the charger lights only turn green (stop charging) one hour after the scooter controller indicates 100 percent. Is the controller not reading 100 percent accurately? Is the charger over-charging? Should we unplug the chargers when the controller is at 100? Thank you.

    • Hi Glenn. You should allow the scooter to charge until the charger’s light turns green. It is possible for the scooter to display 100% before the light turns green

  • Francisco
    02/05/2021 19:31

    Hi, I live in the US, and would like to purchase the GT SE model, but from an authorized dealer. Is eWheels an official authorized dealer here? I also saw there is UScooters, it looks like the same scooter, and and also an authorized dealer here, but how come the name is different? Just curious.

    thanks so much for your help


  • Ove Holmlund
    18/05/2021 23:12

    Today I ordered my 4:th Etwow (the others has been stolen) E-Twow GT 2020 SE Bluetooth Smart Edition Electric scooter with Pack Security. I also ordered a gps tracker and a mini wifi cam. Isn’t there a way You could forego stealing, remote lockdown, electric wheel lock or anything through wifi.

    • Hello Ove. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. The GT SE can be locked and it has an alarm if the wheel is moved while the scooter is locked.

  • wolfgang
    19/06/2021 08:30

    i got a brand new GT 2020 and really like the Bluetooth function.
    Unfortunately I cannot find a way to actovate L4 and L5 on my scooter. Even though in the descriptive text of the Amazon vendor it was mentioned that the scooter does 40 km/h max.

    • Hello. If you can see the speed limitation menu, yet the settings only go from L1 to L3 that means that the scooter has a factory limitation to abide by the legislation of a certain country. Contact the dealer from where you bought the scooter for more information or use our dealer location to find the nearest dealer http://e-twow.com/dealer-locator

  • Hello, I’ve the same problem now a as Ash on https://e-twow.com/2020/01/23/gt-2020-sneak-peak/#comment-269:

    “I just have one question. I cannot go to P2 or P3 settings. Also when I am in P1 setting the light switch does not changes the menu. If press the horn while in P1setting mode it shows 1,2,3,4,5…till 9..
    Somehow my rear light doesn’t stop blinking…how can I switch it off?”

    Your reply: “We’re glad to hear you like it. GT models don’t have P2 and P3 settings. The numbers in the P1 setting are service reset codes (not for customer use). The rear light is blinking because you accidentally activated a service setting. We’ve sent you an e-mail with the instructions for resetting the rear light.”

    May you send me an e-mail with the instructions for resetting the rear light too?

    Best regards,


    • Hello Tom. We’ve sent you the instructions on your e-mail. Have a nice day!

  • Hi !
    Can you send me the instructions on how we can play with these service code in the P1 Settings ? Thanks

    • Hi David. Sorry, we can’t help you. Service codes are for authorized service technicians only

  • Frederick Villareal
    28/04/2022 16:14

    I have the 2020 GT. I had my dashboard replaced in a NYC shop that ordered directly from Uscooter. The replacement dashboard only goes L1-L4 while the original dashboard went from L1-L5. The shop asked me to reach out to you as they told me they ordered the correct replacement part. I have the order number if needed. Please advise.

    • Hi Frederick. UScooters is one of our dealers and you should contact them directly to see what they sent you https://uscooters.com/. Most likely the display is good but it has a speed limitation.


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